A vitamin goldmine with their antioxidants, vitamin C and the pigment betacryptoxanthin, oranges are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They were first cultivated in China around 2500 BC and are assumed to have originated in southern China, northeastern India and perhaps southeastern Asia. As of 1987, orange trees were found to be the most cultivated fruit tree in the world.
Navels are a clone of a mutant orange dating back almost 200 years. Easily identifiable from the outside by the navel-like circle at one end, these oranges also have additional tiny wedges just inside the navel. The navel is actually the formative peel of the secondary fruit, developing on the side opposite the stem. Seedless, the rich, juicy flavour of this orange makes it delicious for eating out of hand.
Cara Cara
Cara Cara is a navel orange with a flavourful, juicy pink flesh reminiscent of strawberries and raspberries. It’s sweet and mildly acidic. Cara Cara is called Red Navel and ripens from autumn into winter. These oranges can be juiced, eaten or cooked into jams, jellies and other spreads. Production early May to mid/late June.
Navellates are also known as late navels. This type of eating orange is characterised by its deep orange colour and it delivers a delicious sweet burst of juicy goodness. Production is between early/mid-April and end-July/early August.
Valencias are named for the city of Valencia in Spain, although the variety is thought to have originated in China or India. Valued for their high juice content and availability outside of the typical citrus season, Valencia oranges are usually thin-skinned and have a few seeds. They’re considered one of the best oranges for juicing.
Delta is a smooth-rinded South African variety which resembles the Valencia but matures somewhat earlier. It’s a seedless fruit of high quality and is popular because it’s less acidic and thus great-tasting. Production is mid-June to mid-October.
Midknight is a larger fruit and virtually seedless. It has a high juice percentage and its intense flavour makes it excellent for eating or juicing. Production mid-June to end-September.
Soft citrus, also known as ‘easy peelers’ for obvious reasons, means mandarins of cultivars grown from the species Citrus reticulata Blanco, Citrus unshiu Marcow, Citrus nobilis Lour, Citrus deliciosa Tenore and their hybrids.
Clementines have a deep orange colour with a smooth, glossy appearance. They can be separated into between 7 and 14 segments. They’re almost always seedless and are typically juicy and sweet.
Mandarins are native to south-eastern Asia and the Philippines and are members of Citrus reticulate Blanco. Dubbed ‘kid-glove’ oranges, mandarins have a thin, loose peel. The name ‘tangerine’ can be applied as an alternate name to the whole group, but is usually confined to the types with red-orange skin in the trade. Smaller and less spherical than oranges, they’re pebbly-skinned.
Nadorcotts are from Morocco or Spain. A patented, late-season seedless variety, it’s distinguished by its red-orange colour and thinner peel. Nadorcott is decidedly less sweet and more tart and bitter in flavour than the other soft citrus varieties.
Novas are medium to large with the rind being a reddish-orange and the flesh deep orange. Juicy and sweet, production is from early March to end-June.
Satsumas owe their name to a former Japanese province, now Kagoshima Prefecture, on the southern tip of Kyushu Island, where they’re believed to have originated. Medium-small to medium, oblate to sub-globose, satsumas are sometimes slightly necked and seedless. Its thin rind is somewhat leathery.
Grapefruit originated in Barbados as an accidental cross between the sweet orange and pomelo or shaddock. When found, it was named the ‘forbidden fruit’. The common name comes from Jamaica, where locals referred to the way the fruit grew in clusters like grapes. Tart and tangy with an underlying sweetness, grapefruit has a juiciness that rivals that of the orange and has many health-promoting benefits, such as being a good source of vitamin C, potassium, dietary fibre and lycopene, a carotenoid phytonutrient.
Jackson LS Sweet Sunrise
Jackson LS Sweet Sunrise is mainly medium to small with a low seed content. The skin is smooth with a white to light-brown internal colour and the fruit is juicy with a refreshing fruit punch-like flavour. It can be peeled like a navel and eaten without any bitter naringin taste.
Rosé is a pink-fleshed grapefruit with some blush to the peel. It’s thinskinned with excellent flavour and masses of juice. Also known as Ruby Red, Tropical Ruby or Redblush.
Star Ruby
Star Ruby is the benchmark standard of grapefruit for colour, flavour and fragrance. It’s an attractive red-blushed fruit with a smooth yellow rind and the segmented flesh is aromatically bright, rich ruby in colour, juicy and low-seeded or seedless. Star Ruby’s season of maturity is mid- to lateseason, early April to early June.
White Marsh
White Marsh is the most popular variety of grapefruit. Both sweet and acidic, it has yellow-white flesh and yellow skin. Other Marsh grapefruits include the pink Marsh. Production is end-March/early April to end-July.
Lemons are available throughout the year, but peak around May, June and August. They’re oval in shape and feature a yellow, texturised outer peel. Like other citrus fruits, their inner flesh is encased in eight to ten segments. Lemons contain unique flavonoid compounds that have antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. They’re also an excellent source of vitamin C.
Among the favourite treats of Ancient Greeks and Romans, it’s believed that humans have enjoyed apples since about 6500 BC. The apple tree is a deciduous tree in the rose family and there are more than 7 500 known apple cultivars throughout the world.
Braeburn has a background colour of green-gold and is covered with partial reddish-orange stripes. The texture is crisp with a sweet tart taste. Production is from March to mid-/late April.
Golden Delicious
Golden Delicious, which originated in 1912 in West Virginia in the US, is a medium-sized apple with a bright yellow to golden skin, sometimes with a pink tinge. It’s at its best when the skin turns from green to gold. A superb eating apple, the flesh is creamy and the taste sweet and juicy. Production is from mid-February until mid-/late September.
Granny Smith
Granny Smith was discovered in 1868 in Australia. One of the best cooking apples with a sensational tart, tangy flavour, it varies in colour from light to bright green. In cooler areas it develops a red blush. The flesh is firm, white and crisp. Production is from March to mid-July.
Royal Gala
Royal Gala is characterised by a pink blush on the skin. The colour varies from yellow to almost orange with deep orange stripes. With a tall conical shape, the size can be small. It’s dense, sweet, aromatic and juicy with white flesh. Production is mid-January to mid-June.
Top Red
Top Red is a creamy white apple in a red striped skin. This apple can only be described as sweet and delicious. Production is February to March.
Research has shown that the skin of pears contains at least three to four times as many phenolic phytonutrients as the flesh. These phytonutrients include antioxidant, antiinflammatory flavonoids and potentially anti-cancer phytonutrients such as cinnamic acids. This fruit has been eaten since prehistoric times and the genus is thought to have originated in present-day Western China.
Abate Fetel
Abate Fetel is an elegant, long-necked pear with a mottled russet skin and cream-coloured flesh with a buttery texture. The taste is sweet and flavourful. Production starts late January.
Forelle, an oblong pear, changes its background colour from green-yellow to golden yellow with a brilliant red contrasting blush. Coarse in texture, the flesh is creamy-white. Production is early April to late August.
Packham’s Triumph is a medium to large light-green pear, uneven in shape. However, it’s one of the most popular eating pears. When ripe, the skin colour remains green-yellow and this deliciously sweet pear has a creamy white flesh with a fine texture. Production is late January to late July.
Rosemarie, an attractive smooth-skinned pear with a slight blush and good eating quality, has an orange-red to pink blush on a yellow background. Production is from January to March.
Sempre, a slightly stubby pear, has a light green skin and pale, smooth flesh. The taste is sweet and juicy. Production is early January to mid- February.
Williams’ Bon Chrétien
Williams’ Bon Chrétien is often simply known as ‘Williams’ and is the most commonly grown pear variety in most countries outside Asia. The skin of this bell-shaped pear turns yellow as the flesh ripens and the creamy, juicy white flesh is smooth. It’s an early fruiting variety, which originated in England in about 1765. Production is late December to late February.
The queen of fruits, cultivation of the domesticated grape began 6 000 – 8 000 years ago in the East. They grow in clusters of 15 to 300, and can be crimson, black, dark blue, yellow, green, orange and pink. ‘White’ grapes are actually green in colour and are evolutionarily derived from the purple grape. Grapes are a storehouse of numerous health-promoting phyto-nutrients such as poly-phenolic antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
We export red seedless, red seeded, white seedless, white seeded, black seedless and black seeded grapes.